Locals say it is very common in the area .... AMAZING VIDEO

Using a cell phone, Silvia filmed her little boy, Benjamin, who was playing on the hallway floor.A little tiny creature just ran from the doorway under the counter.Benjamin was often talking to himself and acting strangely. When he started behaving oddly, Silvia began to record him, and that's when she saw, what she thought was, a field mouse.When she slowed down the video, she clearly saw a tiny figure running. It left behind a horrible smell and trail of discharge.It seemed the creature was running from the kitchen to the door, to get out to the garden. Benjamin continued talking to these creatures, who didn't seem aggressive. Now 5 years old, his parents have released this video. We're not sure what to believe, but maybe it's a weird lighting incident? This is the crazy stuff you find on youtube!



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