You Won't Believe It's Just Makeup

From wonky eyes to enormous pimples, makeup can fix practically anything. These examples will blow your mind.........

5.Wonky to Wow!
Granted, the photos were taken from slightly different angles but Charr's features in the before photo look all wrong. Her eyes seem droopy and her whole face looks a little crooked. In the second photo, she looks like model material. False eyelashes and plenty of mascara really lift those eyes. And contouring, as well as an off-center part, makes her face seem more symmetrical.

4.Night and Day
You could not convince most people that this is the same person! With the colorful contacts, she looks like she's barely even related to the woman underneath all of that makeup!

3.From Spotty to Hottie
This sweet-faced teenager shared these unedited before and after shots on imgur, saying, "Though I do enjoy makeup, I'm not ashamed of who I truly am." But is anyone's true self best represented by their acne? Makeup just allows this girl's inner beauty to shine through on the outside, too.

2.This Redhead Sizzles
What a difference makeup (and hair) can make. In the before shot, this woman's face looks broad, her forehead is shiny, and her skin tone is uneven. In the after photo, all of these flaws are gone. And her eyes and lips just needed a little definition in order for their true beauty to be revealed. This photo was originally posted on reddit and caused a bit of a revolt among some of the male readers, who felt that it demonstrates how makeup can "trick" you. But it caused other male readers to consider whether men should start to wear makeup as a matter of course, too!

Every woman wants to look flawless. For those of us who didn't hit the genetic lottery for today's beauty standards, contouring could change everything!
