Check out the Most Amazing Extinct Animals

#1 The Caspian Tiger: extinct early 1970s

This photograph of the Caspian Tiger was taken in the Berlin Zoo in 1899. Its size was smaller than the Siberian and Bengal Tiger and it's one of three Eurasian Tigers to go extinct. The other two are: the Bali Tiger and the Javan Tiger.

#2 Baiji River Dolphin: extinct 2006

We all love dolphins, but these majestic creatures that lived in China’s Yangtze River for about 20 millions years were declared officially extinct after an expedition to search for them failed. To this day people still search in hopes of spotting one.

#3 Elephant Bird: extinct circa 17th century

This huge bird was part of the ostrich family and inhabited the island of Madagascar. It's height was approximately 10 ft tall with eggs 15 times larger than an Ostrich, it's said they were delicious which was probably part of it's downfall.

#4 Tasmanian Tigers: extinct circa 1930s

Researchers believe 'dingo bloodlust' may have led to the the Tasmanian Tiger's extinction. Do you recognize this Tiger as the cartoon character, the Tasmanian Devil?
